Silver Surge: Serendipity or Silly?

While coin collecting and precious metals investment/speculation are not the same thing, it’s sometimes tough to remember that when metals are in the heat of a bull market. The value of common date silver coins has shot through the roof, with that beat up old silver Roosevelt dime worth over $3.40 and that common date Franklin half going for $17. Makes collecting a bit more of a challenge, doesn’t it?

How long will the bull keep charging?  A couple of recent  articles illustrate that it depends on who you talk to. David Ganz, numismatic author and attorney, published this article in Numismatic News that details silver’s price over the last eighty years and indicates (so the headline goes) an upward trajectory over that time.  On the other hand, an article written by Alex Dumortier in The Motley Fool leads off with the chilling possibility of a 66% crash in silver prices. Who’s right? Well, I don’t have a clue, but it might be interesting to take a look at what the supply and demand numbers as published by the Silver Institute look like.

Also, does anyone else see the historical irony of silver being touted as a store of value 115 years after it was pushed as a way of inflating the currency? Click here to learn more about the free silver movment; you’ll be quite the conversationalist at the next party you go to.

" shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

Saturday, April 30th, 2011 Uncategorized

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