How Many Copper Pennies In Your Hoard?

Many collectors will tell you how many copper pennies they have bagged up and hoarded over the years. Some say 15-20 bank bags full. Some say several gallon jugs full. But nothing compares to what John Reyes and his wife found when it came time to empty out a deceased family member’s house in Los Angeles.

In a crawl space in the basement, they discovered a huge stash of pennies that had been collected by Reyes father-in-law; 800,000 is the rough estimate. It took them a whole day just to carry the coins out of the basement. Their bank manager told them that there wasn’t enough room in the bank’s vault to store them.

They thought maybe they would sort through the coins in hopes of finding a million dollar penny, but gave up that idea after looking at just 300. They put the hoard up for sale, asking $25,000, about three times the hoard’s face value.

Anyone want to over-pay for some copper cents?

Monday, June 19th, 2023 Uncategorized