You’re Kidding, Right?

When Liberty Nickel production was started in 1883, the first type did not have the word CENTS on them. Most people have heard about “Racketeer Nickels”, where unscrupulous individuals reeded the edge of the no-cents nickel, plated them with gold, then passed them off to unsuspecting merchants as $5 gold pieces.

Miami Valley Coin Club

The Mint caught on to this fairly quickly (about 5 million coins into the run, if that’s quick) and added the word CENTS to the reverse. The racketeers kept the Secret Service quite busy chasing down the passers of these nickels.

No one is sure who the first “racketeer” was.  Many writers at the time related that a man named Josh Tatum was arrested and convicted of passing these plated golden nickels. What you may not know is that this is where the term, “You’re joshing me!” originated.

Would I kid you?

Sunday, July 1st, 2018 Uncategorized