A Veteran’s Grave & A Coin

In America, the practice of leaving a coin on a veteran’s gravestone became widespread during the Vietnam War era. Because of pro and anti-war sentiments in the ‘60’s and 70’s, many fellow soldiers chose to leave a coin on their buddy’s gravesite. The coin was to represent the “down payment” for the next round of drinks when they were reunited.

Miami Valley Coin Club

Today, the denomination of the coin left signifies how close the personal relationship was between the fallen and the still living. A penny means you visited, a nickel means you were together at boot camp. A dime shows you served together and a quarter signifies that you were with them when they died.

Many cemeteries gather the coins left on soldiers’ graves and use them to pay for burial of veterans in need. So why not give a coin salute when you visit the cemetery this year? You’ll be paying your respects and letting someone in the family know you visited. Let’s carry on a wonderful, time-honored tradition.

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018 Uncategorized