May 23: Lucky Penny Day

Test your knowledge of pennies, cents, and other single denominations.

Miami Valley Coin Club

  1. Large cents were last minted in what year?
  1. Name the former British colony that issued a one-cent piece of paper currency and what year was it printed?
  1. Why was Abraham Lincoln chosen to be the first President to appear on a regularly circulating coin in 1909?
  1. The safety bicycle was developed in the 1800s as an improvement over what type of bicycle? Why was the earlier bicycle given that name?
  1. What is a “pickle barrel” cent?
  1. What nickname was given to Indian Head cents before 1866?
  1. In what year did Canada mint a commemorative cent and what was the occasion?
  1. Besides their composition, what is the other difference between copper alloy and copper-plated zinc cents?
  1. Fugio cents were minted in 1787. What does the word “Fugio” mean and who was given credit for designing the coin?
  1. The 1909-S V.D.B. has the lowest mintage number for the Lincoln cent series. What is the cent with the second lowest mintage number?



  1. 1857
  2. Hong Kong in 1961
  3. The 100thanniversary of Lincoln’s birth.
  4. Penny Farthing: the large front wheel was reminiscent of a British penny compared to the smaller back wheel.
  5. Large cents that were thrown into pickle barrels that cause the pickles to turn a brighter, more appetizing, green color.
  6. Nickels or Nicks – because the planchets contained nickel.
  7. 1967 – the 100thanniversary of the Canadian Confederation.
  8. A weight difference: copper alloy 3.11 grams; copper-plated zinc 2.5 grams.
  9. Fugio – time flies; Benjamin Franklin
  10. 1931-S; only 866,000 minted

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