The $1 Dollar Bill and The Number 13

coin club                     coin collecting

There are:

13 different representations of the number 13 on the bill

13 stars above the eagle

13 steps on the pyramid

13 vertical bars on the shield

13 horizontal stripes on the top of the shield

13 leaves and 13 berries on the olive branch in one of the eagle’s talons

13 arrows in the other eagle talon

13 characters in “1776” and its Roman Numeral equivalent “MDCCLXXVI”

13 letters in “ANNUIT COEPTIS”

13 letters in “E PLURIBUS UNUM”

13 segments to the worm-looking things that come off the sides of either circle on the back of the bill.

And 13 stars above the key on the Department of Treasury seal on the front of the bill.

Monday, January 9th, 2017 Uncategorized